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Saturday Lotto Number Generator

Use this Saturday Lotto Number Generator if you’re struggling to pick your own numbers to play. Just select the ‘Generate’ button to receive a combination of six randomly-generated numbers; if you don’t want the numbers you’re given, just repeat the process until you have a combination you like. Once done, you may decide to enter that line into an upcoming draw. The game is known by different names across Australia – TattsLotto in Victoria, Tasmania, Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory, Gold Lotto in Queensland and X Lotto in South Australia.

See the latest predictions

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You can also use the Saturday Lotto Generator to create many sets of numbers at the same time. Pick how many lines you would like from the dropdown box and hit ‘Go’. The numbers will be generated below immediately.

Generate another set(s) of numbers

Saturday Lotto Predictions

The following Saturday Lotto predictions for the next draw have been generated using a statistical formula from Please note that these predicted numbers are likely to change on a weekly basis.

  • 1
  • 5
  • 7
  • 18
  • 36
  • 41

The predictions are calculated using the six winning numbers from the last draw. All previous Saturday Lotto draws that shared any of those numbers are then also analysed. The next step is to scrutinise the winning numbers from the draws that immediately followed, adding up how many times each number appeared. The most common and least common numbers are used to form the predictions.