Super Jackpot FAQs
Get the answers to the most frequently asked Super Jackpot questions on this page, including how to play, jackpot information and more. If your query isn’t answered here, please don't hesitate to contact us.
How do I play Super Jackpot?
It is very simple to play Super Jackpot, as your numbers are generated for you. All you need to do is choose how many numbers you want to play, what order you want to play them and how many draws you want to enter. Go to the How to Play page to view the full players guide.
When is the Super Jackpot draw?
The draw schedule for this game is very hard to predict as the draw can only take place once all the available tickets have been sold.
Is there an option to play in advance?
Yes. You can decide how long you want to play for, up to 10 consecutive draws. If you are playing online, you can also subscribe to all future draws.
How much does it cost to play?
The cost per number is $2.20.
How much is the current jackpot?
The Super Jackpot is currently $14.54 Million.
How do I win a prize?
Your number must be picked in the draws to win a prize. The jackpot prize can only be won by a single number being picked in both draws. To win a prize in any prize level, you need to match the winning numbers exactly. It is possible win consolation prizes. Visit the Super Jackpot Dividends page for more information.
What are the odds of winning a prize?
The odds of winning a prize in the Super Jackpot are 1 in 23.03 and the odds of winning the jackpot are 1 in 18,385,887.
How will I find out if I’ve won a prize?
If you have played online you will be automatically notified if you have won a prize. If you played in-store you can use the Ticket Checker. This allows you to check your numbers against the winning numbers from recent draws. Alternatively you can check the Latest Results straight after the draw.
How can I claim my prize?
The process of making a claim depends on the amount you have won and the way you played. Claiming is also slightly different in each state. Make sure to check out the How to Claim page to find out more.
What is the minimum jackpot?
The jackpot for Super Jackpot starts at $500,000 and increases by $130,000 each draw if the jackpot is not won.
Could the jackpot ever be different than advertised?
Yes. Due to the unpredictable nature of the Super Jackpot, it is difficult to assume when the draws will take place. This means two draws could take place within hours of each other and the jackpot could be won before your game is drawn.
Are the prize amounts always fixed?
Yes. The prize amounts from 1st prize to 10th prize are fixed. For example; there will always be 1 winner of $100,000 in the 1st prize level and 100 winners of $50 in the 7th prize level. You can check out the Dividends page for more information on this.
What is a sequential ticket?
Choosing a sequential ticket means your numbers will be allocated to you in order as opposed to a random order. For example; sequential would be 10, 11, 12 and random would be 27, 82, 65.