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Powerball Results: Draw 1257 - Thu, 18 Jun 2020

Powerball Draw 1257 took place on Thursday 18 June and you can find the results from the draw below – check your tickets here to see if you're a winner.

View the winning numbers and the Powerball, plus all the dividends to see how many winners were in each prize division and how much they won. Visit the Powerball Results page to find the winning numbers from more draws.

  • 7
  • 14
  • 17
  • 22
  • 24
  • 28
  • 32
  • 1
Jackpot: $15,000,000
Next Mega Millions Jackpot
$439 Million*
  • 1 Days
  • 20 Hours
  • 9 Mins
*Jackpot converted to AUD and rounded to the nearest million.

Prize Divisions

Below you can find full prize dividends for the 18/06/2020 Powerball draw. Scroll further down to see the number of winners across Australia by state.

Division Numbers Matched Division Prize Winners Division Prize Pool
1 7 + Powerball $15,000,000.00 0 $0.00
Jackpotted to
Draw 1258
2 7 $120,931.05 3 $362,793.15
3 6 + Powerball $4,263.60 52 $221,707.20
4 6 $401.50 1,004 $403,106.00
5 5 + Powerball $173.65 1,741 $302,324.65
6 4 + Powerball $76.90 25,420 $1,954,798.00
7 5 $41.05 37,295 $1,530,959.75
8 3 + Powerball $18.85 160,427 $3,024,048.95
9 2 + Powerball $11.55 459,669 $5,309,176.95
Totals - - 685,611 $13,108,914.65

Powerball Winners by State

Division NSW & ACT TAS & VIC NT QLD SA WA Totals
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 1 1 0 1 0 0 3
3 15 14 1 11 5 6 52
4 303 280 16 227 74 104 1,004
5 554 490 47 375 95 180 1,741
6 8,442 7,045 553 5,472 1,390 2,518 25,420
7 12,376 10,327 987 8,039 2,022 3,544 37,295
8 53,094 44,332 3,648 34,980 8,814 15,559 160,427
9 151,748 127,497 10,500 99,345 24,897 45,682 459,669
Totals 226,533 189,986 15,752 148,450 37,297 67,593 685,611